by supernaut | Nov 10, 2015 | Promo
A stunning combination of restrained animation/motion graphics and live action dancers.
by supernaut | Nov 10, 2015 | Promo
The world’s smallest chef cooks a typical fish dish, ‘Bouillabaisse’… Bon appétit! For this project, Skullmapping experimented with projection onto a dinner table — making use of a combination of 3D animation and motion capture, a miniature...
by supernaut | Sep 8, 2015 | Promo
We’re stoked to announce a new member to the Supernaut bunch — Danika Catchpole. Hailing from sunny Brisbane — with some serious illustration and creative skill — Danika is an exciting new addition to the team. Can’t wait to unleash her talents on the...
by supernaut | Jul 1, 2015 | Promo
The simplest of concepts executed so brilliantly gives new meaning to an interactive video.
by supernaut | Feb 10, 2015 | Promo
Lovely lass and studio friend, Rilla Alexander, has released a new book (well … new to some anyway) — Her Idea. The book features stunning illustrations as readers travel with the cute bundle of thought character, Sozi, as she experiences the elation, struggle...